■ Insider trading prevention / stock market law
■ Fighting corruption and fraud
■ Combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism
■ Duty of care
■ Ethics alert system
■ Personal data protection
■ International sanctions
■ Employee training
■ Setting up appropriate governance
■ Compliance system (procedures, charters, etc.)
■ Audit of the regulatory environment
■ Team training and awareness
■ Assistance to supervisory authorities
■ Damage to reputation
■ Administrative and financial penalties
■ Executive liability
■ Secondment of lawyers: "on-the-spot" missions
■ Thorough and effective understanding of the business
■ Teamwork / operational and management staff
■ Coordination of foreign subsidiaries / foreign countries
■ Disposals and acquisitions
■ Setting up and monitoring joint ventures
■ Restructuring (mergers, demergers, contributions) Capital transactions, transformations...
■ Management changes
■ Executive liability
■ Delegation of powers and signature
■ Listed and unlisted shareholders' meetings
■ Audit prior to the planned operation
■ Identifying and delineating legal impacts
■ Drafting of contractual and corporate documentation
■ Preparing governance bodies
■ Structuring delegations and processes
■ Enforcement of liability warranties
■ Operation failure (completion or integration)
■ Impact on employees
■ Facilitating negotiations
■ Efficiency
■ Secondment of lawyers: "on-the-spot" missions
■ Thorough and fluid understanding of the activity
■ Teamwork / operational and management staff
■ Coordination of foreign subsidiaries / foreign countries
■ Legal departments (compliance, M&A, listed and unlisted company law, litigation, contracts, etc.)
■ Change management
■ Process automation
■ Reorganizations
■ Digital transformation
■ Transitional assignments 3/6/9 months
■ Digitization needs analysis and implementation (documents to be migrated, templates, etc.)
■ Employee training
■ Filling temporary staffing gaps
■ An exceptional operation
■ Efficiency
■ Project management through to completion
■ Team coordination
■ Increase team performance
■ Secondment of lawyers: "on-the-spot" missions
■ Thorough and fluid understanding of the activity
■ Teamwork / operational and management staff
■ Coordination of foreign subsidiaries / foreign countries
33 Bouvelard Henri IV, 74004 Paris
01 89 40 48 01